Socialism Today    n     Socialist Party magazine




Editorial: How can the national aspirations of both the Palestinians and Israeli Jews be met? More ...


The occupation of Jenin The Israeli army is withdrawing, but what happens next? Kevin Simpson writes


Sharon - as Jenin burns -  "No nation can negotiate with terrorists"


Reaction defeated in Venezuela 

Tony Saunois draws out the lessons, and warnings, from the recent failed coup



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Cover design by Alan Hardman



Afghanistan aftermath:

Winning a war doesn't bring peace and stability


New politics in Canada:

Canada's Labour Party in terminal decline?


A new Scotland?

Scottish parliament fails the test




Labour and the unions:

Clive Heemskerk examines the debate over the future of the unions' political funds


The Silent Takeover: 

Laurence Coates looks at Noreena Hertz's book on global capitalism



A brief history of Islam:

A thousand years of faith and power


Our Simmering Planet:

What to do about global warming?



Mary Robinson


World Social Forum


France – Fight the Right, build a workers’ alternative


International Women's Day

