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Fuelling the Balkans Fire

Fuelling the Balkans Fire

THE BOMBING OF Serbia, justified on the basis of humanitarian aims, has provoked a human catastrophe on a gigantic scale. This is the biggest, most violent deportation of masses of people in Europe since the end of the second world war.

Indonesia - One Year On

Indonesia - One Year On

LAST MAY'S magnificent mass movement brought down the hated dictator, Suharto, after 32 years of despotic military rule. His authority crumbled as Indonesia's economy experienced an unprecedented collapse, as part of the devastating 'Asian Crisis'.

Nato's Balkans quagmire, A socialist in the Scottish Parliament, the state of the Unions, and more...
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In Issue No. 38


NATO's Road to War

Indonesia - one year on

French Left's Euro Challenge

Northern Ireland stand-off

Austrian Far-Right Election Gains

US Police Brutality

Our Ever-Changing Climate

Not For the Faint-Arted

New Feminism vs. Old

A Reactionary Diatribe

Arms to Spain