SocialismToday           Socialist Party magazine

Issue 76 Jul-Aug 2003


Socialism Today cover - On strike:  Euro workers on the move

On strike

French workers on the move


France has been gripped by a sweeping protest movement against the neo-liberal measures of Raffarin’s right-wing government. KARL DEBBAUT writes.




The general strike today


The European capitalists’ neo-liberal offensive has provoked a determined response from the working class, including the re-emergence of the weapon of the general strike – with everything that means for the question, who governs society? With the consciousness that exists at this stage, however, that question cannot be answered in the same way as in the past, argues PETER TAAFFE.

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Cover photo: Paul Mattson -  Paris, 25 May 2003




Mugabe clinging to power

North Korea
Problems for Bush

General strike in India
The return of the working class

Northern Ireland
The Stevens inquiry and the state



Iraq, lies & WMDs
Tony Blair has prepared a political time-bomb for himself, writes Jane James

Deflation: symptom of crisis US capitalism, with a decisive influence on the world economy, could be on the verge of a deflationary spiral, argues Lynn Walsh 


The Matrix...
Reloaded or overloaded? Kate Jones writes
