Corbyn insurgency 2.0
Jeremy Corbyn appears to be
on course to be re-elected as Labour leader in September. But the bitter
right-wing struggle against him shows there can be no compromise with
the representatives of capitalism in the Labour Party. This time, argues
HANNAH SELL, let’s finish the job and really transform Labour into an
anti-austerity socialist party.
The civil war in the Labour
Party is reaching a new level of intensity. The anti-Corbyn majority of
the Parliamentary Labour Party (PLP) and Labour machine are conducting a
desperate and dirty campaign to try and regain control of the situation.
They face a movement of working-class and young people who have entered
the scene of history and are making their voices heard. The ‘Westminster
bubble’, which has spent decades complacently accepting cuts, austerity
and privatisation, is suddenly feeling threatened by the ‘barbarians at
the gate’. First the whole capitalist establishment was shaken by the
Brexit vote, and now the attempts to ‘Get Corbyn’ are being stymied by a
huge wave of support for the Labour leader which has burst out of the
normal confines of politics.
The biggest left rallies in
decades have taken place in Liverpool, Hull, Leeds, Bristol and many
other cities. Of the 275 local Labour Party meetings to nominate
candidates, so far 234 have nominated Corbyn, many with hundreds
attending. This ‘second wave’ that has come to the defence of Corbyn is
even larger than the first. It also includes bigger numbers of workers
alongside the important layer of young, radicalised ‘professionals’ who
dominated the first wave.
Attempting to defeat the
movement behind Corbyn are all the forces of the capitalist
establishment, within Labour and without. The Court of Appeal decision
to back the NEC’s ruling that the 130,000 new members who joined Labour
after 12 January cannot vote in the contest is just the latest example
of the support the capitalist establishment is prepared to give to the
undemocratic manoeuvring of the Labour right. Nor are the attempts at
gerrymandering over. An incredible 183,000 people paid £25 in just 48
hours to become registered Labour supporters. It has been reported,
however, that more than 40,000 of them are going to be excluded from
voting. Reasons apparently include having had the temerity to describe
Blairite MPs as ‘traitors’ on social media. All local Labour Party
meetings except nomination meetings have been banned. A number of Corbyn
supporting constituency parties have been closed down on spurious
Given how far the right are
prepared to go to try and win, it would be wrong for anyone to be
complacent about the outcome of the election. The capitalist media is
running a virtually uncritical election campaign for the anti-Corbyn
challenger, Owen Smith. In a desperate attempt to appeal to radicalised
Corbyn supporters he has tacked markedly to the left in tone, even
claiming to stand for a ‘socialist revolution’. This has been combined
with a blatant appeal to ‘remainers’ to support him with his call for a
second EU referendum. The central thrust of his campaign, however, is
that Corbyn is ‘unelectable’ and has divided the Labour Party, so the
route to a Labour government is via voting Smith. A more passive layer
might be affected by the media onslaught.
Nonetheless, so far the right
do not seem to have found any means with which they are likely to
prevent Jeremy’s re-election. His victory, especially by a wide margin,
would rightly delight the hundreds of thousands who have joined the
battle against the Blairites. But it will be the beginning, not the end,
of that struggle. There is no possibility of the right accepting Jeremy
Corbyn as leader, as they themselves have made very plain. The former
advisor to Blair, John McTernan, put it bluntly: "Revolutions are
inevitably bloody and, make no mistake, taking back the Labour Party
from Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell requires a revolution". The likes
of McTernan are the real ‘entryists’ in the Labour Party, standing not
for revolution but counter-revolution. This is the man who has recently
called on the Tories to "crush the rail unions once and for all"
(Telegraph, 10 August). He should have no place in a party founded by
the trade unions in order to further the interests of the working class
The essence of the struggle
taking place in the Labour Party is about which class interests it is
going to act in – the working class majority in society and the middle
class with no hope for the future, or the capitalist 1%? The right will
use whatever means necessary in order to return Labour into a reliable
tool for the capitalists’ interests. However, at the moment no means
they can think of seems to have much chance of success. They are feeling
their way, while reeling under the shock of a radicalised working class
daring to interfere in ‘their’ party and to threaten their careers.
An indication of how
desperate they think the situation is came in an article in the
Financial Times (24 July) by Jon Cruddas MP, arguing that the "closest
historical parallel… lies not in Westminster but in Berlin in 1918",
that is the German revolution. He compares the anti-Corbyn MPs to
"Friedrich Ebert [who] led the Social Democratic party (SPD)" and the
movement in support of Jeremy Corbyn to the revolutionary "Spartacists,
including Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Kautsky, [who] claimed their
[legitimacy] from the workers’ movement, the factory committees and
works councils". He adds that "Ebert ultimately unleashed the Freikorps
against the leaders of the insurrection", resulting in the murder of
both Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht. While he does not propose murder as
a way out of the situation in the Labour Party he is clearly in a state
of despair.
A right-wing split?
One possibility is that the
right will split away and form a new party in the aftermath of the
leadership election. Smith himself said, "I think there is every
likelihood that the party will split if Jeremy wins this election". Of
course, at this stage no-one will admit to planning to split. But that
is always the case in a war situation – all sides keep talking peace
until the moment they declare war.
Given that, it is striking
how openly Labour’s right is considering the possibility of a split.
Stephen Kinnock is reported to be at the centre of a discussion on 150
MPs breaking away and founding a new party. Such a party, regardless of
whether it managed to lay claim to the Labour name, would be able to
apply to become the official opposition, and therefore take around £4
million a year in parliamentary ‘Short money’. Kinnock is considering a
fast split because it might give them the chance to establish a new
‘centre-left’ – that is pro-capitalist – party before a general
However, it also possible
that the right will hesitate and cling on hoping to overthrow Corbyn at
some future point, or that some will split while others remain. As
George Eaton put it in the New Statesman: "Many now believe that is only
through a general election that the party’s internal struggle will be
resolved". What they mean by this is that Theresa May will call an early
election, defeat Corbyn, and thereby hopefully force him to resign!
This is a forlorn hope. It is
not possible to gauge if May will call an early election. While she is
unlikely to last until 2020, given the extreme weakness of her
government and the deep divisions in the Tory Party which she has only
been able to temporarily paper over, there are important reasons for her
to hesitate before going for an immediate election. Primary in this is
the Brexit vote. The capitalists’ current strategy is to drag out the
process as much as possible and hope that opportunities arise to ‘step
back’ from the Brexit vote. This is not a slogan under which May could
fight a general election, however!
The other problem is –
notwithstanding current opinion polls putting the Tories ahead – that,
if he fought it on a clear pro-working class programme, Jeremy Corbyn
could win a general election. This is a nightmare scenario for the
capitalist class, particularly against the background of a deepening
economic crisis, as it could awaken the appetite of the working class
for an alternative to austerity. As a result, such a government could be
pressurised to take radical measures which would threaten the capitalist

No compromise with the right
Even if the right do
temporarily hang on and wait for something to turn up, that would not
mean a return even to the armed truce that existed a year ago. A civil
war has begun and must now be fought to a conclusion, almost regardless
of the wishes of the individual protagonists. The Labour Party deputy
leader, Tom Watson, has outlined the kind of measures the right would
fight for, including Labour MPs electing the shadow cabinet (which would
leave Jeremy Corbyn isolated, surrounded by a right-wing team) and the
return to the previous ‘electoral college’ system for electing the
leader which, by giving one third of the vote to Labour MPs and MEPs,
made it much easier for the right to keep control. They face enormous
difficulties in implementing such a programme, given the changed balance
of forces in the Labour Party. They are also terrified that they could
be picked off one by one by a process of deselection. The right can
therefore be pushed by events down the road of splitting away, despite
their fear that their new pro-capitalist party would have a limited
social base.
What is essential is that
this time, unlike after Jeremy’s first victory, there are no attempts by
the left to compromise with the Blairites. Instead the movement in
support of Corbyn needs to be organised and built upon in order to
consolidate and extend the gains that have been made. A clear
anti-austerity programme should be adopted, which Labour MPs have to
accept as a condition of being allowed the Labour whip. This should be
combined with the introduction of mandatory reselection, to allow local
Labour parties a democratic decision about who stands for parliament on
their behalf. The UNITE union conference passed a motion, moved by a
Socialist Party member, calling for mandatory reselection, which UNITE
should now campaign to be passed at the upcoming Labour Party
Those on the left who quail
at the right split from the Labour Party that would result have to face
up to what preventing a split requires: a complete capitulation to the
pro-capitalist elements of the Labour Party. Nothing else will satisfy
the right. Only if they are given their own way, their careers protected
and, most importantly, the Labour Party confined entirely in the
capitalist framework of austerity, privatisation and war, will they
condescend to remain in a party with the left.
Some on the left attempt to
deny this reality, arguing that Labour has always been a broad church
and the ‘warring factions’ will somehow find a way to compromise. It is
true that for most of its history Labour was a ‘broad church’, a
capitalist workers’ party. While its leadership acted in the interests
of the capitalist class it had a mass predominantly working class
membership, which via its democratic structures was able to exert
influence on the party. The right wing leadership were reliant for their
careers on the mass working class membership and were forced, however
reluctantly, to take account of their views. Particularly during the
post-war economic upswing there was a material basis for this alliance,
as capitalism was forced to grant reforms to the working class.
That period is long gone,
however. Even before the onset of the 2008 world economic crisis the
past gains of the working class were under systematic attack, including
by New Labour in power. The Blairites had succeeded in transforming
Labour into a party that reliably acted in the interests of the
capitalist class. One example of the changed character of the Labour
Party is the difference between the Vietnam and Iraq wars. Labour
premier Harold Wilson was unable to send ground troops to back US
imperialism in Vietnam, despite wishing to do so. Blair, by contrast,
was able to tell George Bush, ‘I’ll be with you, whatever’. What is more
the Labour Party conference in 2004 was also with Bush, voting
overwhelmingly to endorse the occupation of Iraq and impervious to the
biggest anti-war demonstration in Britain’s history that had taken place
the previous year.
Re-founding Labour
The election of Jeremy Corbyn
represents a vital break in the political logjam out of which there is
an opportunity to create a mass party of the working class. Whether or
not it had the name Labour, this would be a huge step forward. Marxists
must do all they can to assist the development of such a force. Such a
party, particularly in its early days, would still be a ‘broad church’,
in the sense that it would inevitably contain groupings with different
political approaches. The bottom line, however, would be unity against
austerity and in favour of measures to improve the lives of the majority
– the working and middle classes.
This would be a real
‘progressive alliance’. This does not mean, as the left-wing journalist
Paul Mason has suggested, forming an alliance with pro-capitalist forces
like the Liberal Democrats. Instead it would mean uniting together with
all of those who were prepared to sign up to a clear anti-austerity
programme. An appeal could be made to the Greens, to socialist
organisations including the Socialist Party and the Trade Unionist and
Socialist Coalition (TUSC),
unaffiliated trade unions and community organisations, to affiliate and
come together in an umbrella to contest elections, while maintaining the
right to their own identity. This is the ‘federal basis’ on which the
Labour Party was originally formed. To return to a modern version of it
would be a real step forward and could potentially win back many of the
almost five million voters, mainly working class, who Labour lost
between 1997 and 2010. Many of these stopped voting, others protested by
voting for UKIP, the Greens, or in some cases for TUSC, in which the
Socialist Party participates.
In the early days of the
Labour Party the British Socialist Party (one of the forerunners of the
Communist Party) was affiliated to the Labour Party and the famous
Scottish Marxist John McLean stood as a parliamentary candidate under
the Labour banner in 1918 (he was also Russia’s Scotland Consul at the
time!). Until 1925, CP members could hold dual membership. And up until
the victory of Blairism there were always significant Marxist and
Trotskyist forces in the Labour Party. When the Militant Tendency, now
the Socialist Party, was expelled we warned that it would be the thin
end of the edge, and that the process would end with the expulsion of
the voice of the working class.
It is very positive that
Jeremy Corbyn seems to broadly agree with this approach, correctly
dismissing Tom Watson’s dodgy dossier in The Observer (14 August) as
"nonsense" and declaring: "We can only win a general election by winning
people over from either non-voting or voting for another party. If
someone has developed their politics to be members of the Labour Party,
even though they were once members of the Lib Dems, or Greens or
something, fine. Welcome aboard". Asked about the possibility of the
Socialist Party affiliating to Labour he added: "I look forward to a
conversation with Peter [Taaffe, general secretary of the Socialist
Party] at some point".
However, a refounded Labour
Party could not only be a coming together of left political forces,
important though that is. It would also be vital for the rights of trade
unions within the party to be restored. A central aspect of the
destruction of Labour’s democratic structures has been the undermining
of the role of the unions. The Labour Party was founded by trade unions
in order to create a party specifically for the working class. Today the
unions remain the biggest democratic organisations in Britain, involving
over six million workers. Collective action by trade unions has been the
main means through which working class people have been able to fight
austerity. Had the leaders of the TUC been prepared to call coordinated
strike action against austerity, starting with a 24-hour general strike,
it would have had the power to bring down the government. Yet the trade
unions have been without a political voice for decades. Restoring their
role would not mean an exact replica of the ‘block vote’ of the past,
which was sometimes wielding undemocratically by the union tops, but a
real democratic collective union voice, with the active involvement of
union members. The rebuilding of a mass democratic Labour youth section
would also be posed.
Splits have a class basis
Those who rule out a split on
class lines in the Labour Party are the real utopians. To imagine, as
some in the leadership of Momentum unfortunately do, that it will be
possible for Jeremy Corbyn to somehow ‘cling on’ to the Labour
leadership until 2020, with only muted opposition from the right, are
deluding themselves. There are precedents for splits in Labour which
were, ultimately, designed to protect the interests of the capitalist
class. The 1981 split to form the Social Democratic Party (SDP) did not
do much for the ministerial careers of those who left, but it did play
an important role for the capitalist class. By taking 11.5% of the vote
in the 1983 general election it contributed, alongside the Falklands
War, to ensuring the Labour Party was defeated and Thatcher won a second
1931 was a different case –
when 15 Labour MPs, led by the Labour prime minister Ramsay MacDonald,
split away to form a national government with Liberals and
Conservatives, which implemented savage attacks on the working class. It
does contain a number of important lessons for today however. Famously,
Herbert Morrison, Peter Mandelson’s grandfather, was asked to stay with
Labour rather than split away with the traitors in order to defend the
interests of capitalism within the party. No doubt, even if the big
majority of Labour MPs split it will not be a chemically pure division.
Some on the right will stick with a Corbyn-led Labour Party for the same
reasons as Morrison did. It would still be necessary, therefore, for
Corbyn and his supporters to demand of all Labour MPs who stay that they
sign up to an anti-austerity programme.
Many Labour supporters will
fear a split would fundamentally weaken the Labour Party. In fact the
opposite would be the case. True, there would – at least initially – be
less Labour MPs in Westminster, but a group of MPs who consistently
campaigned against austerity and defended workers in struggle would do
far more to strengthen the fight back against the Tories than 232
‘Labour’ MPs, a majority of whom vote for austerity, privatisation and
A re-founded anti-austerity
Labour Party could quickly make electoral gains, as was demonstrated by
the January 2015 election victory of Syriza in Greece, standing then on
an anti-austerity platform, and the growth in support for the left in
Spain. It is not an exact comparison but the average swing to Labour in
by-elections from 1931 to 1935 was 13.5%. In 1931 Labour’s vote fell by
almost two million from two years previously, but by the general
election in 1935 it was back to the level it had been in 1929. That, of
course, reflected the anger at the great betrayal of Ramsay MacDonald
and co. In essence, however, the role of a new ‘centre left’ party will
be no different to MacDonald’s National Labour group – it would bloc in
parliament with a weak Tory government against Corbyn and the working
The impact of a left party
One YouGov poll (2 August)
has been reported as demonstrating the impossibility of a split but it
does nothing of the kind. It suggests that if the right split away and
Corbyn keeps the name Labour the left would receive 21% of the vote,
whereas a left split away, where the right keep the Labour Party name,
would receive 14% of the vote. The relatively small difference between
the two figures reflects the undermining of traditional loyalty to
Labour over decades, leaving today a very weak ‘brand loyalty’.
Obviously, 21% is preferable to 14%, but in these circumstances the
latter would be a very good beginning for building a new party around an
anti-austerity programme.
Such a party could quickly
gain electoral ground by offering an alternative to endless cuts,
privatisation and misery. By contrast, Brown and Miliband showed that
there is a limited appetite for a Labour Party that offers ‘austerity-lite’,
essentially a watered down version of Tory policies. But even if a
right-wing Labour Party was to win power, it is power for what? If it is
to implement policies in the interests of the capitalist class then it
will not advance the interests of the majority in society.
By contrast, a left-led
party, whether or not it had the name Labour, would be able to advance
workers’ interests from day one, and make electoral gains as a result of
doing so. Owen Smith has drawn the lines between him and Corbyn as being
about whether change comes from ‘within parliament or outside’, saying:
"In the days before we had the franchise… it was fine to shake our fists
through the railings. As soon as we had the franchise, it was our job to
go around the railings and seize power from within. Maybe some of the
reason Jeremy hasn’t worked so hard, in my view, in holding together the
Labour Party, is that he doesn’t see that as important. He actually sees
building a movement in the country as more important". (Camden New
Journal, 4 August).
Firstly Smith has no evidence
whatsoever for his assertion that Jeremy Corbyn doesn’t care about
elections. But also it is complete ‘parliamentary cretinism’ to suggest
that no change has been achieved since the introduction of universal
suffrage except through parliament. The examples are endless. It was the
Ford Dagenham strike which forced the Equal Pay Act through parliament;
it was the threat of a general strike which forced the release of jailed
dockers in 1972. And it was the 18 million people who refused to pay the
poll tax that unseated Margaret Thatcher and forced the John Major
government to abolish it.
Summing up their idiocy one
of the films by the right-wing ‘Saving Labour’ group began by baldly
stating that demonstrating never changed anything. The slogan was
super-imposed on two demonstrations in Liverpool – one in support of
Corbyn, and another of a massive 1984 demonstration in support of
Liverpool city council. Yet the Labour council then, in which Militant
supporters played a central role, won £60 million from the Tory
government and was able to build 5,000 council houses, open six new
nurseries, four colleges, six leisure centres and more. It would not
have been able to do this just by passing policy in the council chamber.
A bold stand by the council, however, combined with massive
demonstrations, public sector general strikes, and the miners’ strike
taking place at the same time, forced the government to make serious
The following year Liverpool,
along with Lambeth council, was defeated due to the betrayal of Neil
Kinnock and the leadership of the Labour Party. Nonetheless its
achievements still stand in bricks and mortar. It was a mistake that
Jeremy Corbyn, who supported the Liverpool council struggle at the time,
did not refer to it when he spoke at the recent mass rally in Liverpool
and has not so far taken an unequivocal position of calling on Labour
councils to refuse to implement cuts. This is despite the UNITE and GMB
union conferences calling for councils to set legal no cuts budgets.
But imagine if, after almost
a decade of savage council cuts which have left council budgets an
average of 40% smaller than in 2008, a number of councils – even if only
a handful – refused to implement cuts and stood firm as Poplar,
Liverpool, Lambeth and Clay Cross did before them. And imagine if those
councils had the vocal support of Jeremy Corbyn’s party in parliament,
whatever its name. Such a struggle – given all the accumulated anger
against council cuts – would be enormously popular. Not only could it
win, an organised defiance of the Tories could force a general election
from which the possibility of Corbyn’s party coming to power could be
posed. This is just one example of how a left party in parliament, even
if initially with a modest number of MPs, could act as a voice for the
working class and anti-austerity movement, thereby shifting the balance
of power in society in the direction of the working class.
Taking on capitalism
The Socialist Party
trenchantly supports Jeremy Corbyn in his battle against the right,
backing every positive step taken. But we also seek to push the movement
further to the left and to warn against retreats which can, at a later
stage, potentially lead to defeats.
Jeremy’s 2016 election
programme raises many positive points that will resonate with workers
and are potentially very popular, including his call for a £10 an hour
minimum wage, his pledge to build a million homes, half of them council
houses, and to introduce rent controls in the private sector. His
pledges to renationalise the railways and end health service
privatisation will also have widespread appeal. The idea of a national
investment bank with £500 billion to spend on public investment to be
paid for by increased taxes on "the highest earners" is welcome. In his
Observer interview (14 August) Jeremy reiterated support for the
abolition of tuition fees and the reintroduction of a student
maintenance grant.
At the same time, however, he
has retreated on calling for nationalisation of the energy companies,
now only arguing for "increased community participation". Unfortunately,
his call for renationalisation of the railways is limited to taking them
over as the franchises run out; meaning that, after five years of Labour
government, only two thirds of the railways would be in public
ownership. Nor has he clearly called for renationalisation of the steel
industry, despite the overwhelming need. This reflects an unwillingness
to draw all the conclusions about what it is necessary to do to defend
the interests of the working class, not to accept but to defy what
Jeremy Corbyn’s former economic advisor David Blanchflower has called
"the realities of capitalism and modern markets" (The Guardian, 2
August). Blanchflower is now a Smith supporter.
The capitalists will
vehemently resist a bigger role for the state and increased taxation. To
implement even Corbyn’s modest programme would, therefore, require
‘extra-parliamentary action’, that is the mobilisation of the working
class in support of the government’s policies.
Jeremy Corbyn’s current
programme is a real step forward compared to the pro-capitalist policies
of previous Labour leaders. However, it still falls short of a full
socialist programme, but the need for such a programme will be posed by
events. The experience of Syriza in Greece, where the leadership of an
anti-austerity party capitulated to the pressure of big business and is
now implementing austerity, shows that defeating austerity is linked to
the struggle for socialism. Endless austerity and growing inequality are
not accidents; they flow from the needs of capitalism, where the profits
of a few have been restored at the expense of the majority. However, the
enormous advantage of the creation of a mass workers’ party, which is
now on the agenda, is that it would provide a forum in which working
class people could discuss and debate how to achieve the ending of
capitalism and the development of a democratic socialist society.